Nov 29, 2008 20:37
Not a whole lot has happened since I last wrote, except a lot of time has gone by. We managed to make it through the staffing upheaval at work and things are beginning to settle down now, although business is actually picking up. Things at home are a little stressful. This house is too small for three adults, four animals, and all of our stuff. On top of that, we are all starting to get concerned about money and have been sick for months, coughing with no end. These attributes put together are giving the homestead that TB-infested tenement feel that we all strive for. But we shall overcome it with optimism and pluck, as though our squalorous* life were straight from the Hooverville scene in "Annie" (POT LID). I am going to be going back to school in January, which should provide absurdity enough for a few laughs.
*I just made it up so there!