Jul 16, 2009 02:15
dear marc,
i stole this from you.
love always,
TEN things you wish you could say to TEN different people right now.
10. I am terrified this is the end of it, especially since I can't remember why it would be.
9. I wasn't paying attention to you tonight. I was trying, truly, but I just... not with that. Not with this.
8. I secretly really want to be your friend.
7. SHIT I miss you. Not actively, but deeply. What does that mean?
6. I still seek your approval often.
5. Lets dance!
4. I love! that! fucking! smile of! yours! holy! GOD!
3. I didn't tell you I missed you for a reason. It is because I don't.
2. I’m still so embarrassed. I am so sorry.
1. I miss you. (This applies to a City. So, fuck the rules.)
NINE things about yourself.
9. I read too much fanfiction.
8. I want a Canadian Passport.
7. I want to beat somebody up. Violent, but true.
6. I enjoy making ice cream, but hate where I make it.
5. I would love to record an album or twelve.
4. I don't like talking when I'm sad.
3. I am mostly happy about life/things. Which is strange, cause, hahahaha, hello age 12.
2. I am bad at making lists about myself.
1. I want at least three more tattoos.
EIGHT ways to win your heart.
8. Laugh. Either at yourself or with yourself or with me or... you get the point.
7. Read! At least a little! At least enough to sound intelligent!
6. Love music.
5. Love me. Let me love you back!
4. (If I let my guard all the way down, you already have it.)
3. Do not be afraid of any of your feelings.
2. Talk bizarre things and do bizarre things with me.
1. Hug me. Often.
SEVEN things that cross your mind a lot.
7. Halifax
6. Marc/next year/MUSIC holy shit holy shit.
5. Halifax
4. Typewriter! must get one!
3. The Road Trip
2. I love this city but I love Halifax more.
1. Halifax
SIX things you do before you fall asleep.
6. brush my teeth
5. strip off clothes into a pile. Next to the hamper.
4. Listen to music
3. Read
2. Think about the "music heard so deeply/ That it is not heard at all"
1. Kick myself for staying up so late
FIVE people who mean a lot to you at the moment.
5. oh shit
4. don't ask
3. me to
2. list something
1. like this!
FOUR things you see right now.
4. Martin! (my guitar. who actually, no, is not named Martin.)
3. A lamp
2. some shoes
1. a picture of his eyes (sappy, and true.)
THREE songs that you listen to often.
3. Folding Chair- Regina Spketor
2. Run, Run, Run- Joel Plaskett
1. Fourteen Times- Marcus Foster
TWO things you want to do before you die.
2. Be disgustingly, endlessly, reciprocally, happily, miserably, wonderfully in love.
1. Sail across the Atlantic, down the coast, around the horn. (And get the tattoos to back it.)
ONE confession.
1. My hope is constant.