Aug 21, 2005 21:50
ew. friday is a school night. i really hope ryan goes to college not only so its more peaceful butbecause.......nvmd thats it....just more peaceful. okay i dont want brit to go tho. shes my best and closest girlfreind and is also family. we always have so much fun and we have so much in common and we are really crazy and silly and dorky and we love each other.
i miss elinorand jessica. we have really grown apart since high school started even though i love them, tey just dont have the time t osleepover or even visit. jess always has band rehersal and elinor is working a lot this summer and we are never in any classes together because they are smart and i am not.
i really hope my mom doesn't disappoint me i reallly want to go to the beach. she is very complainy about it.