Hitting the dance wall

Jun 19, 2009 14:22

Recently, I've felt like I've hit a plateau in my dancing. I don't feel like I'm getting better just social dancing or really learning very much. I can't afford the in depth lessons being taught and really, much of my dancing is self taught and adapted from the hordes of beginner and intermediate classes I've taken. It's hard to find advanced classes, and harder still to find partners to really learn new stuff with.

I miss competition dancing. Not for the competition part, but for the steep learning curve, the regular practice and progress, and the dedicated dance partner to progress with. While it had its limitations, I think I've learned enough from social dancing to re-enter the competition world and really excel (more than I already did anyhow). The problem is that all the great follows I know are too busy, live too far away, or have some other obstacles.

Teaching tango has showed me how little tango I really know. I mean, I know enough to fill up a month of classes and to give a great introduction to the dance, but then, that's all I've ever had of it. I want to take more lessons, but this whole "no income save for my tiny dance class" thing puts a big damper on that.

I want to get to the point where I see so many other dancers who travel around teaching classes, do performances, complete, and everything else. Mostly, I think I just need to find someone else who's as passionate as I am about dance.
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