Not my dad. Fuck, he'd probably tuck in his sweaters if he could get away with it. He used to yell at me all the time to tuck in my t-shirt.
I have to admit that I have been tucking my shirts into my jeans, but only when I'm on the Hill. I learned that since I'm a lowdown photographer, I can get away with wearing black jeans and a nice shirt. My belly isn't quite as flat at that dude's but since moving to DC I've lost most of my "desk job," as I call it.
That doesn't look preppy to me at all. It looks over-zealously hipster. Mainly because when I think of button down shirts tucked into jeans I think of western fashion or redneck fashion (notice the western cut of his shirt), aka people outside the fashion sphere, thus to do it is to make the intentional statement of trying to be "outside."
If however, it were a more standard button down, or a patterned one that you may find at a Zara or Banana Republic, then it looks decidedly Euro, in which case it still isn't preppy.
The thing is, if your belly isn't as flat as that guy's, then you just look like...a dad.
i tuck my shirt into slacks most of the time*, but jeans? i'm just not sure...
*because i only wear slacks when i have to go somewhere fancy, not cause i have a flat belly like this dude.
I prefer knits to cloth anyway.
I have to admit that I have been tucking my shirts into my jeans, but only when I'm on the Hill. I learned that since I'm a lowdown photographer, I can get away with wearing black jeans and a nice shirt. My belly isn't quite as flat at that dude's but since moving to DC I've lost most of my "desk job," as I call it.
...but tuberculosis and rickettsial fever helped.
If however, it were a more standard button down, or a patterned one that you may find at a Zara or Banana Republic, then it looks decidedly Euro, in which case it still isn't preppy.
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