Apr 01, 2009 23:26
First, I played tennis last night. I got my racket back and it had white strings with a black grip. I was late because I missed an exit (long story), but I think I did pretty well. The pros teaching the class were pretty complimentary. My problem is that I'm a competitive perfectionist, so even though this is my second time playing in over ten years, it still kills me that other people play better than I do (even though most of them have been playing all year). Plus, I could get nine gorgeous hits and the tenth one that went badly is what's going to eat at me. I figure I have a choice between learning to live with my faults or getting really good at tennis. Care to guess which I'll choose?
Law school is a bit annoying. The problem is that, at least in one class, we have to work in groups. My schedule is such that I have trouble meeting with them in person. However, instead of doing it by email (which would be just as easy) they still want to meet in person which means I feel left out and like I'm not doing my fair share. Frustrating.
I talked to Bec on the phone for the first time since we had our argument. It was a decent discussion (if a bit long), so I think that door is back open.
Also, I had a great idea for a HP fic. It would be sort of long and involved, but I'm just excited enough to work on it.
law school,