How DOES My Mind Work?

May 08, 2010 01:24

Seriously, I'm in it and I have no idea.

At some point today (possibly after finding local free-range eggs in Whole Foods), it occurred to me that it would be a great idea to raise chickens.

Yes. You heard that right.

Apparently, they don't require that much room (2-3 feet in a coop, 4-5 feet in a run per chicken), you only need four (12 feet inside, 20 feet outside space) to produce enough for yourself, and they have interesting personalities. Plus, some of the chicken coops are really, really cute! Like little playhouses.

The plus side is that I won't be able to even begin implementing my plan till this fall, so odds are I'll have a new scheme by then.

But seriously. How cool would it be to be able to have your own humane, organic eggs?

zany ideas

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