Everything We Had_Chapter Five {Peterick}

Apr 10, 2010 21:41

Everything We Had-Sophomore Slump Or Comeback Of The Year-Chapter Five

"Sir, you awake now?" a woman stood before me. So did two men, both looking hopefully. "Yes. May I ask your name?" I asked. The room had white walls and a white celling, with something bright shinning onto me. There was a sink to the right of me with containers of some sort, and then there were these things hooked up to me. I was in a light sky blue dress. My skin was a pale pink, and it was delicately smooth. The bed I was in had thick covers on top of it, and those were a grey. My pillow was just as soft was my skin.
The two men in front of me were both brunette, but one had a few shades lighter and had a mismatching beard. That man had slightly curly hair grown slightly past his shoulders. The other had sort hair, but it looked as if it would grow into a big poof. One wore a sweatshirt with the letters FC on it and the other had a leather jacket on. The one with FC on his sweatshirt spoke campy to me.
"Do you know who I am?" he seemed very sweet.
"No. I think I should." I said. He looked at me closely. "I'm Andrew John Hurley. But you call me Andy. I used to be the drummer of your band, Fall Out Boy." he said. I smiled. "I used to be in a band. That must've been nice. I'm sure we sucked, though." I laughed lightly. "We recently had a number one single, I Don't Care. You met David Bowie around then, and got Elvis Costello to sing in your favourite song off our recent album, Folie À Deux. The song was called What A Catch, Donnie." he told me. "I did alright I guess. But who is he?" I pointed to the other man.
"I'm Joseph Mark Trohman. But you called me The Joe. I was the coolest guy of the band. I played lead guitar." he smiled. Andy laughed. "Sure you were. And you, Patrick, played rhythm guitar. But you could play any instrument known to man. Drums, guitar, piano, keyboards, trumpet, vocals, bass…" he said. "Bass. Who played bass? We had to have a bassist!" I said. The two exchanged glances. "You were a great singer. Had an incredible range. I bet you still could. I'd play some Prince and you'd sing along. You had an amazing voice. We were lucky to have you."
"That didn't answer my question. Who played bass?" I asked again. ""We…our…didn't have a bassist. So you played it on albums. Then on tour we just had a filler." Joe said. "No, For some reason, I feel as if there's something fishy about the bassist. Like, it's important." I tried to think. "I have no idea. Dude, it's all in your head." Andy said, adjusting my pillow. "Anything else you'd like to know?"
The two told me things about me and my life. Apparently I was twenty-five and my full name was Patrick Vaughn Stump. I had changed it from Patrick Martin Stumph. I removed the H from my last name to get rid of pronunciation problems and had my middle name changed because I didn't like it. I had a Pomeranian dog named Penny Stump. I loved music more than almost anything in the world. I didn't know that they meant by "almost" but they refused to tell me. I gave up on asking some questions once they refused to answer. It felt like I was missing a huge part of my life after all was told, even. It also felt like some parts were a big lie.
I ate some salad, as they called it and it tasted alright. Then some lady, other than Katii, my nurse, came in. She had a covered plate with her. "Hello. May I ask who you are?" I asked. She looked at me for a moment. "Patrick, honey, I'm your mother. I came here to give you a special treat." she smiled, almost crying. "Oh, hey mom. What's the treat? The other part of my life that I don't know about?" I laughed. "What? No, sweetie. Pumpkin Squares. And they aren't telling you something? What? Maybe I'll know." she said, laying the plate on my table. "My band…we had a bassist. I know we did. But they're telling me crap about him or her. Could you tell me?" I said, unwrapping the plate. She took a deep breath.
"He was one of the sweetest boys you could ever meet. He was creative, something you and him both had in common. You first met him in first grade. From then on, you both were inseparable. I remember yelling you to stop hanging with him all the time. I wanted you to have more than one friend. But you refused. He wrote lyrics for your band, and you wrote the music. He was your best friend. If he were to die, you'd be right with him. You two were as close as close could get." she began to cry.
"Why are you crying, mom?" I asked, breaking a piece of a pumpkin square. "He…he…I couldn't believe he could do something like it. He was sweeter than sugar. But he…he…I don't want to think about it. But you guys were best friends. I really liked him too." a tear slipped from her eye. "What was his name? By the way, I love these. You're great at making these." I smiled. "I'd love to tell you. But, it would break your fragile heart. The point of this…" she began to say something, then abruptly stopped. "I won't say. He was a great man, though."
She left thirty minutes later, after I told her about my day and we sat and talked about my family. I had my dinner. I could only do so many things, so overtime somebody walked in, I had to ask a favor. Or just a question on life. After weeks and weeks, things got boring. But I had asked to had a review of my schooling, like a tutor, to come in and help me brush up so I was still smart. My tutor's name was Taylor. She was pretty, she had middle-length red hair. She had rough bangs and a pink streak on the side of her hair. But she taught me stuff I knew as of my first year of middle school. Everything was pretty basic, so it took about two and a half weeks to cover it all. Everyday was only forty-five minutes of class, so don't call me stupid.
Then the first year of high school class began. It was actually really easy. Taylor constantly said I was doing well. That only took me one week to complete, I did so well. The people who visited most often said this was my sixth month in, and I was halfway there. It was Summer and August made the room so warm I didn't need any blankets. Taylor sometimes took me outside for a short walk. She was probably my best friend. I really liked her, too. She was nice and unique. I looked forward to seeing her every Monday through Friday.
It was the week of April first, and we were learning about equations. I realized something I hadn't known before, and it was simple. I noticed how I couldn't wait to see her next, the next day when she came was all I ever desired, and I worked something slowly to spend more time with her. We had read Romeo and Juliet and I could feel a connection. I talked too much around her and my world was turned upside-down by her whenever she came.
I loved her.
One day she came, I decided to ask her out. Couldn't be too hard. She was packing up the books and I looked up at her and said, "Can we talk?" She looked down at me with a questionable expression.
"Uh, sure, Patrick. What's it you want to talk about?" I held her hand. "It's about you and me. I kinda really like you…in a way friends don't feel for each other. Something a little bit more than that." She was silent for a moment, then blushed. "Awe, my student has a crush on the teacher. How cute." she laughed. "So…I was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend." I looked in her eyes. Those beautiful blue eyes. She kissed me softly and whispered, "And I've always had a crush on the student too. How cute." I grinned, pressing our heads together. "So we're dating?" She kissed me again, then scribbled her number down on a piece of paper. "Yes. Call me at this number, kay?" she hugged me. I nodded and gave her mine. She left swiftly and I put the piece of paper in my shirt pocket.
I closed my eyes for a few minutes when I heard a voice from the side of me.
"Hey, dude. How are you doing? Taylor stayed ten minutes longer today. Is everything alright? I hope you aren't having any difficulties." Joe said, sitting in the chair beside me. "No, nothing like that. I asked her out and she said yes." I said. His eyes went wide. He swore and asked me if I was sure that's what happened. "No crap. Wait till Andy hears this." he said, taking his cell phone out of his pocket. He looked at me.
"You sure? I'd hate to lie to him. He gets silent around me if I do." he asked one last time. "Yes. She's coming tomorrow." I grinned. I heard a soft voice from the phone. "Hey Andy. Guess what? Patrick got himself a girlfriend." he spoke. There was no voice for a moment, then I heard mumbling. "Andy would like to speak with you." Joe handed me the phone. "Yeah?" I said. "Dude you aren't screwing with me. You got one?" he sounded surprised.
"Yes. It's Taylor, the tutor. She told me that I loved her, and I asked her if she loved me too. She used this 'love' as in relation to Romeo and Juliet. Then I asked her if she would be my girlfriend, since she seemed like she liked me too. She said yes. So, there you go, she's my girlfriend." I smiled. I liked telling the story of how me and Taylor are now a couple. Andy was silent. He cursed then said, "Okay dude. I believe you. When you seeing her next? Sooner than next Monday?" he asked. "Tomorrow. You can ask her then if you want." He agreed to ask her then I handed the phone back to Joe.
A month later, I was able to leave the hospital. I knew enough to survive on and my friends had agreed that I could do this. I also had my girlfriend to live with me. She had retaught me everything I knew. She was even teaching me French. But she laid off of teaching me the first week back at home. She offered to sleep in the guest bedroom, but I told her to sleep with me in my room. She agreed after a small fight over it. But she apparently didn't want to lose me so she said yes. I smiled and kissed her, saying I loved her so much I wanted her to be right next to me at night. She kissed me back and said the same for her.
Her clothes were all in the closet, her guitar settled in the living room. All her stuff was here, and she offered to get me new clothes, since I had apparently lost about thirty five pounds. I said no, but one day I went out for lunch and when I came back, I had a completely new wardrobe. I smiled and thanked her. I had all new shirts, pants, belts, shoes, socks, hats, you name it. Then she got me this new automatic guitar tuner. I had always wanted one, but never got around to getting one. Right then, I felt the meaning of forever.
The next day, I awoke and saw Taylor was still asleep. It read that today was Wednesday, September sixteenth, two-thousand and nine. I groaned. Today I had a check-up at the hospital. I quietly got up and made myself coffee. I was stirring some cream in it when Taylor wrapped her arms around me. "Good morning honey." I said groggily. "Good morning. Today you have a check-up at one. But you knew that cause my boyfriend has to be smart." she ginned and kissed me on the cheek. "Yes I did. Can I go to the local music store first though? I could use some new guitar picks." I asked, taking a sip of my coffee. She nodded and made herself some coffee.
We left at around eleven so we could eat lunch. I parked the car at the store and walked in. There were guitars lining the walls and autographed records below them. I walked to the back, where the picks were. Taylor held my hand and looked around. I looked at some picks, and I saw a deal on some bass picks. I played bass, so why not get them when they are on sale. I got some and paid for all the sorts that I got. Weirdly, my girlfriend was looking around nervously in the bass section. I didn't know why though.

peterick everything we had chapter five

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