friend ( P ) Pronunciation Key (frnd)
A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts.
A person whom one knows; an acquaintance.
A person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; a comrade.
One who supports, sympathizes with, or patronizes a group, cause, or movement:
best (bst) ( P ) Pronunciation Key (frnd)
-Being positive or desirable in nature; not bad or poor
-Having the qualities that are desirable or distinguishing in a particular thing
-Superior to the average
-Of high quality
-Worthy of respect
-Beneficial to health
-Competent; skilled
-Complete; thorough
-Valid or true
-Genuine, real
-Able to elicit a specified reaction: He is always good for a laugh
-Pleasant; enjoyable
-Of moral excellence
-Loyal I need a new face
I need a change
Something to make me happy
I am sick of day to day life
Not fitting in
Just going along with everything
Everytime I feel good someone knocks me down
I can never just be happy for a while
Nowhere is happy I guess
P.S I finally updated Ash!