Hey all! lol.. Wow.. I havn't wrote in this for like months and months.. thats freaking crazy. well an update i guess lol. Me and sean have been together for 2 months exactly today. He's my best friend and im so glad i met him.. im not really sure what my life would be like if we never met. Im sure it would probably be dull. I got a puppy.. His name is Frankie... we got him in february.. so as you can probably already know hes.. Quite Big.. lol. hes like 7/8 months old now.. and hes really big.. Heres a picture of him and a picture of me and Sean.
Well there we are.. Thats my new icon pic for here too.. Its a pretty cute pic.
lol so yeah i got a car.. Its a pontiac sunfire.. Its real cute.. I gotta get a job now to pay for the payments and stuff my graduation money and going down Fast.. but i got applications and stuff so ill be turning them in soon and hopefully get a job within a week or two. So i dunno me and sean went to Knoebels park on saturday it was a lot of fun.. Heres some pictures..
What a day lol.. Well im gonna get going.. its like 5 in the morning lol.. Feel free to comment <3