Aug 11, 2005 00:41


Created by calmb4thest0rmx and taken 48 times on bzoink!
bestGuys: Jason and Matt Girls: Tabby and Stephworstshe knows who she issmartestGuy: Josh Girl: Laura Mmost talentedLaura SdumbestAndymost annoyingChris MhottestJasoncutestMatt lol ugliestThats not niceweirdestMelissa Kmost normalStephbest singerSteph and Joshbest musicianLaura SclosestJason and Mattsomewhat_insaneAshley calmestMumauhas no bracesEveryone but me lolbest drawerNessawill be most likely to become famousHanahyou wish you talked to moreJason is a GMattwish you saw moreJasonfunnestMattfunniestStephalways listensAshleyis always there for youJasontells you everythingJason and Ashleyyou have most in common withTabby you have least in common withJosh
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