
Dec 08, 2011 21:17

Tarot Card Meme

The Tarot. A mystical deck of cards that foretell the future and serve as the pathways of life… or just for card games.

RNG 0-21 or 1-22 for Major Arcana. If you really want, try including Minor Arcana as well. Up to you how you interpret those, though.

0/22. The Fool: the beginning of a journey. An actual journey? A metaphorical one? Or have you been brought back to your beginning? Or, for an extremely literal version: you’re about to walk off a cliff. Rescued or pushed?

1. The Magician: power. Suddenly you’ve got lots of it: over someone else, or over a force of nature, or anything else you’d care to name. Literal version: pull a rabbit out of a hat, dude, you’re on the stage with your lovely assistant.

2. The High Priestess/The Popess: secrets and mystery. Your secret is revealed, or you have discovered someone else’s secret. Literal version: your perfect woman or your perfect independent life.

3. The Empress: love, sensuality, and fertility. You love, you are loved, you bear the fruits of your love. Need not be smutty, but if you prefer to take a non-romantic route, bam, you have a kid. Semi-literal: you rule in the garden. Outside of the garden? Well…

4. The Emperor: stability, order, control. You can’t stand it anymore. You need to take the situation (or the person) in hand, make it happen how you want it to happen. Literal version: you rule the world, absolutely and totally. Bow down, all you below.

5. The Hierophant/The Pope: knowledge, discipline, maturity. You’ve got to grow up sometime, and ‘sometime’ just happened. How do you cope? How do others cope with the change in you? Literal version: you just found religion. Really, really hard.

6. The Lovers: infatuation, desire, connection. You just met the One. What literal version.

7. The Chariot: victory, pride, success. That goal you’ve always been after? You just accomplished it. How’s that feel? Literal version: time to show off your snazzy new ride.

8. Justice: impartiality and rationality. You have to do what is ordered of you, regardless of whether you personally like it or not. Literal version: you have righted a wrong that was done to you.

9. The Hermit: introspection, solitude, distance. One of you has become withdrawn, and the other can’t figure out why. Literal version: you’re having a great time living away from civilisation up in your mountain cave when someone disturbs you.

10. Wheel of Fortune: your life just turned upside down. Beggar to princess, king to slave… whatever you were, you’re the opposite now. Literal version: you just won the lottery. Rejoice?

11. Strength/Fortitude/Lust: perseverance and patience. Someone’s really trying to provoke/arouse you, but you won’t let them win that easily. Literal version: superstrength!

12. The Hanged Man/The Traitor: surrender and sacrifice. You’re going to lose. Might as well do it with dignity. Literal version: …why the heck are you hanging upside down by your foot? Explanations?

13. Death: sorrow. You’ve suffered a huge loss (a death in the family, financial, a game, etc); how do you deal with it? Literal version: …does this really need to be stated? Oh, all right, fine. You just died. How goes the afterlife?

14. Temperance/Art: harmony, balance, joining opposites together. You’re making peace with your enemy. Literal version: you’re healing from a terrible injury.

15. The Devil: egoism, temptation, obsession. You’ve suddenly become obsessed with something or someone, maybe even your own reflection. What will you do to have that something? Literal version: oh snap, one of you is secretly the Devil. What now.

16. The Tower/The Lightning/Fire: chaos, crisis, ruin. You’re caught in a disaster. The stock market broke down? Zombies? Plague? Literal version: trapped in a burning building. Should you jump?

17. The Star: trust, hope, optimism. Things are bad right now, but you just know it’ll be for the better as long as you have each other. Literal version: baby you’re a staaaar, dealing with the paparazzi and shining bright.

18. The Moon: tension, doubt, deception. You’re feeding the other person lies, but to what end? Literal version: you’re in outer space, taking your first steps on the moon.

19. The Sun: joy, innocence, vitality. You’re just so thrilled and you have to express your feelings somehow. Literal version: fun in the sun!

20. Judgement/The Angel: restart, rebirth, reconciliation. You’re starting something over: a relationship, your life, a new job. Maybe you don’t remember how it went the first time round, maybe you do. Literal version: it’s the end of the world, OR one of you is an angel.

21. The World: prosperity, fulfilment, wholeness. You’ve lived a good life. Share it with others. Literal version: a round-the-world trip!

rng it!, brookfield is weird, [meme] ic

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