Since I am certain I am not the only pokémaniac out there... and I'm willing to bet that I'm not the only one to have ever pondered what sort of pokémon my muses from other canons might have... I present to you this meme!
So heeeere we go!
○ Post with your character. You are now a resident of the world of Pokémon. Forget your original world. For this meme it'll be like you lived here your entire life.
○ Do the usual Name and series... HOWEVER! There is one other bit of information you must add... Tell us what sort of trainer you are ♥
Come up with something yourself or head on over to and generate a number. The number you get will coorespond with one of the options below!
1. Protagonist - A wandering trainer who travels their region, taking on gyms along the way hopes on eventually making it to the pokémon league and proving they are a TRUE Pokémon Master.
2. Gym Leader - An elite trainer who waits for challangers to come to them. Usually a specialist of a specific type, they test their opponents and hand over a Gym Badge to any who prove to be victorious
3. Pokémon Breeder - A kind and nurturing sort of trainer who strives to breed and hatch and raise the perfect pokémon.
4. Coordinator - A trainer who has moved away from the field of battle to take on a new stage. Whether it's the Razzledazzle of Pokémon contests, or the drama of Pokémon musicals they prove the a passion for pokémon doesn't always mean they have to fight.
5. Ace Trainer - They are the coolest of the cool trainers. A great strategist and a maker of balanced teams they definitely have their game together.
6. Elite Four - You are simply one of the best there is. Most normal opponents wouldn't stand a chance against your prowess.
7. Researcher - Your quest for knowlage has led you to a life dedicated to the research of everything Pokémon.
8. Evil Team Member - Whether it's Team Rocket, Magma, Aqua, Galactic, Plasma or an entirely new one no one has heard of before... you're here, you're causing trouble, and no one had better stand in your way.
9. Youngster - Hey! Aren't you too young to be a Trainer? Either way this kid doesn't care. They only care about their Ratatta. Because their Ratatta is the best in the whole world. It is in the top ten percentage of Ratatta in fact. They will call EVERYONE to let them know this fact. Because clearly they have the Chosen One of Ratatta.
10. Your Choice! - Pick one of the above options or hey! Pick your own. The Pokémon World is HUGE and I've only put up some of the more general and iconic classes there.
(If your character is in fact... already a Pokémon character... then feel free to disreguard the above and post as normal ♥)
(also... bonus points for letting us know your pokémon team!)
○ Post to other people! Have battles! Go on epic journies! Find your Rival! Defeat your Evil Team! HAVE FUN!