Jul 22, 2003 19:38

I have just completed my world-wind tour of Europe. It was fantastic and exhausing. I have changed and I have stayed the same. But most of all I have experienced things that I never have before and maybe never will again.
If I could have one wish for the people of the world it would be that they would have the ability to travel anywhere their hearts desired. I truly think the world is a better place when you travel. Life opens up into something you can never imagine. You cannot be the same after you see young children in Romania or the proud young men in Kosova. Praise God for these little blessings!!!
I have renewed hope in so many things...but most of all in myself and the person God has made me to be. We are constantly being torn down by others but that is their problem not ours. God has made us each unique, wonderful human beings with gifts no one else has.
God save us all!!!
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