Aug 14, 2004 00:17
Hey ok i know you read this so this is it.. I know your mad at me for supposebly saying i knew who you are but i dont think thats very right..I dont know who you are anymore so thats not what i was saying i was saying i know your better then what you said you wanted to do i mean anyone that has to sink that low to do something like that is just plain stupid and immuture and i have a lil faith in you because i know that the nice sweet good looking funny smart guy i grew to know and trust with everything i have is still down deep somewhere in you and some day I know your going to wake up from all this and see that you could of had everything you wanted if you wouldnt of made all the chocies you did.. and then try to make up for it.. and why do i still have that hope? Because i see it everytime you call to appologize for what you did the night befor even if i didnt know about it.. you call and tell me things i dont care to hear.. and you call and tell me that you still love me when a few days later you might of said you hated me with everything you have.. i know your confussed and you dont seem to listen to me in any other way so mayb you will this way.. Ok I look back at the times we were "together" and even b4 that and i see you the happy you the one who knows exactly who he is what he wants and where he wants to be in the futer..and then i look at you now and i see someone whos lost in hurt and anger and confussion and is trying to find away out so he turns to things that he never would of wanted to do befor.. he turns to people that in the end are only going to hurt him more and hurts the people that he knows will always be there for him like your family and true friends and stuff ok mayb im saying some of this weird or harsh to you but it needs to come out i dont think your realizeing what your doing to your life mayb its what you want but i dont think so because the person i grew to know and love would of never done these things and i know i dont know who you are now.. but if the person i knew then is still somewhere in side youll take what i say into concideration look at what your doing.. look at where you heading and realize it wont get you any further then what you end up with the next morning ill always be here for you i still care about you as my friend but i hope youll just open up and see caz im sick of fighting this..