and what about being queer..i think i kinda like it

May 23, 2003 10:41

four tv shows you liked when you were a little kid
1. you cant do that on television
2. small wonder
3. Alf
4. transformers

[four places to go in your area]
1. hmmm...busters
2. asian wind
3. Pops
4. feather your nest

[four things to do when you're bored]
1. internet
2. bother charity
3. read
4. write bad songs

[four things that never fail to cheer you up]
1. depends
2. why
3. i'm sad.
4. (agreed)

[four things you can't live without]
1. bobby..haha
2. water
3. friends
4. kitties

[three things about today...]
1. well..ijust woke up
2. gonna work all day
3. hopefully will sleep

[seven things you love]
1. plan it x cds and shirts.
2. tofutti
3. sophie
4. thrift stores
5. kitty cats
6. skirts
7. nice people

[seven things you dislike]
1. my ex boyfriend
2. when my boss tries to talk to me about work stuff
3. cramps (it fucking hurts to go off birthcontrol)
4. my car being fucked up
5. best friends moving away
6. arrogant assholes
7. people who always look happy

[seven things on your desk]
1. cell phone
2. sock
3. thermometer
4. nag champa
5. computer
6. sippy cup
7. girls wallet that kevin found

[seven facts about you]
1. i'm ugly
2. i miss my kitty
3. im a bitter shell of a human being..not really
4. i want to meet a nice person
5. i love bobby
6. my chest has been sliced open
7. i am insane

[7 artists/bands/people should give a listen to]
1. Delta Dart
2. Detestation
3. Sissies!
4. the butchies
5. heavens to betsy
6. the softies
7. j church

[3 sweEt things said to you]
1. most everything brandi says to me when she is drunk..hehe
2. ok..all the sweet things said to me are from lady friends.haha
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