Imagine where you'll be in five years

Nov 12, 2009 23:33

Corey and I were talking and the subject of how long we've known eachother came up and how much things have changed since then.
5 years ago I was a freshman.
5 years ago I was a cheerleader.
5 Years ago I was dating Jimmy.
5 years ago I had no clue where I woule be today.
5 years ago I still have the same bestfriend. <3
5 years ago I didn't really consider Derek a he's one of my best.
5 years ago I had no clue what I wanted to do with my life..I have some what of an idea now and I'm now starting to get my shit together.

I have no clue where I'll be in five years or what I'll be doing with my life.

Imagine getting married?
Finding that one person who you want to spend the rest of your life with.
Have children with.
Imagine having children?!
and watching them grow up

One day I thought doctors could do brain transplants
Imagine waking up in somebody elses body???????????
motha fuck
I'm imagining alot of stuff tonight
its kind of blowing my mind...
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