May 16, 2005 21:15
Well I went to bed a happy guy last night. I talked to Erica for like 3 and a half hours last night. I never knew you could just hit it off with someone like that. I can't wait till we talk again.
From there things began to go up and down as far as the day went. I woke up before 7:30 this morning after getting into bed a little after 4!!! I was NOT happy!
After dropping my siblings at school and parents at work I go home to get some more sleep. Do I get it? Nope! My sister calls and says she needs me to bring her some shoes because she was violating dress code by wearing flip-flops. So I brought her stuff to her and returned home and took a wonderful nap.
My phone woke me at about 2 when my mom called and told me it was time to get up and pick up the kids. (Sigh) I grab something to eat and go get the kids. Things are going okay at this point of the day. Once I got the pests into the house I did a few chores and when my sister came home I jumped in the shower and went to Atlanta.
I finally got to visit with Kandis!!! YAY!!! Even better still I got to meet Toya! You think that things will just continue to get better right? WRONG!!!!
I go to feed my addiction (thefacebook) and I find a message saying that grades are posted. I'm excited...I was anxious to see what I got. Well I log into GoSolar and look at my grades only to have my heart fall, my stomach in knots and the urge to cry. (Yes...cry!!!) I expected an A and 3 Bs but I got a rude awakening. I got 2 Bs and even worse than those horrible grades...2 Cs!!! 2 Cs?! WTF? How could that have happened? One I can deal with...but TWO?
I can't understand what could have possibly happened. I got a C in English! In all my years of schooling I have NEVER gotten a C in English. NEVER!!! Last semester was the first time in years that I had gotten a B! I understand the C in History a little bit. I did pretty well on the final but I froze up on a section and went totally blank so I did what I could. That could be the reason for that. But what reason could Jim Richards possibly have for giving me a C in his class? I did all my papers and they were pretty good...even the final one,which in essence should have been a piece of crap, was a pretty good paper.
I'm pleased with the B I got in Political Science. I failed the first test and boy was that a wake up call for me. I made an A on the second, I was 2 points shy of an A on the third and I know I made an A on the final. How you ask? Well because I calculated and I knew to get a B in the class I had to make at least a 95 on the final.
The one that really has me on the ropes is Music Appreciation class. I mean...who gets a B in Music Appreciation? I told myself if I got a B in that class I'd take it again because that is failing to me. Hopefully the e-mail I sent the teacher will change things. I KNOW I earned an A in the class. I have proof of it too, so if anyone asks how can they believe me...I'll show them.
If things don't change than I will have lost the HOPE scholarship and my parents wil end my life. At least my social life anyway...
I'm sooo mad and I just want to send nasty e-mails to the teachers who screwed me...but I'm above that. I'm just gonna ask them what happened and see about having it fixed.
Some good news though. My sister got a Varsity letter in Soccer today. I was so proud. Anyway I'm out for now...
I need to calm myself before I blow a fuse.
Until next time...