[Finally opting for
normal clothes given the sweltering heat and lack of air conditioning, Vincent reclined in a chase lounge in the shade at the treeline, as far from the sunlight as he could scoot without having palm fronds in his face. With a book on his lap and a drink in the cup holder, the gunslinger looked up at the blinding, bright sky and
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Yeah, it's miserably hot. A bunch of us are at the beach, if you'd like to come over. Dante's has a volleyball net up and it's fun to play.
[Locked - Private to Vincent]
...I've been thinking about the night a lot. It scares me, I'll admit. We were so unprepared when the sun went out, Vincent, someone would have really gotten hurt.
But it's so...strange, this place! What do they want with us?!
I think I'll pass, but thank you just the same. It's nice that some can enjoy themselves in this heat.
[Locked, Private to Tifa]
Hopefully, we won't be nearly as unprepared next time. I know many, myself included, have laid what preparations they can for the next cycle.
I'm not sure what they - or it - wants from us.
I want to believe there is a reason behind it. But sometimes the worst kind of evil has no reason at all.
[Locked - Private to Vincent]
Yeah, I've raided the shops for salt and stuff, since Dean said that worked pretty well the first time. It still bothers me, though, Vincent! I mean, look how many of us from Gaia are here! Why?
And even Sephiroth, but not really Sephiroth!
[Tifa pauses for breath.]
I know, I'm being silly, Vincent, but I can't help it. I mean, so many of our friends...and Zack and...the Turks...and everyone else who's so different!
...okay, I'm calming down now, I promise.
[Locked, Private to Tifa]
It may be fortunate that Sephiroth is here, especially since he seems to either not recall events from Nibelheim or not to have experienced them at all.
As for why so many of us are from the same place, and so many are entirely different, I'm as lost as you.
But think about this, Tifa. Isn't it better to be with those familiar to you in a situation like this, than to be alone?
...maybe he hasn't gone crazy yet. It sure doesn't seem like it; I mean, he did help everyone out when those things were attacking and Goddess wasn't that amazing?
Still, Vincent. I can't shake this bad feeling. It just feels...wrong, this place. I haven't talked to Cloud about it yet, he seems really aloof, even more than usual. As crazy as this sounds, but I'm not sure when he's...from.
And yeah, you're right, Vincent. It's good to have friends here that I know and can count on. Like you, Cloud and Yuffie. I just...hope we'll be all right.
Cloud tends to be that way when he's trying to sort things out. I wouldn't worry, but you should try talking to him. You are the closest person to him, no matter when he's from.
Cloud, Yuffie, and I are capable of taking care of ourselves. I know you are, as well. I can't say what might happen, but the more there are of us, the better chance we stand as a whole.
He does, I know. And you're right, I do need to talk to him, I'm just...a little afraid, I guess. I don't want him to withdraw any further from me. I mean, after Deepground, things were good. He was working, the bar was doing ok...well, you know. [She laughs a bit.]
...where are you, Vincent? Can I come see you for a while? I'll bring some soda or something.
I'm near the south entrance of the jungle path, overlooking the ocean.
The bartender found the spot easily enough, and caught sight of Vincent's red coat amongst all the greenery. Smiling, she pushed aside a few large fronds and held these out to the stoic gunslinger.]
Here. Thought you might need something like those.
[She smiled and curled into the large chaise lounge beside him and gazed out over the ocean, silent for the moment.]
[He looked out at sea, thankful for the sunglasses now dimming the glaring shimmer of the sand and waves.
After a moment of watching, Vincent asked the question that was on his mind.]
Tifa, what is it that you are truly afraid of?
[He looked over to her, over the glasses. Though his voice and expression would hardly show it, he genuinely was concerned.]
[She drew up her feet and hugged her knees, toes hanging over the edge of the chair.
Tifa didn't want to answer Vincent's question, because she thought that saying it out loud would make it come true. Childish, but still...
This was Vincent, however. He'd never let anything hurt her, or any of them. Tifa knew that, she did, but that didn't make voicing her fears any easier.
But she knew she needed to, thus...]
...that we're going to die here, Vincent. And never get back home.
You won't die here, Tifa. Neither will Cloud or Yuffie, or anyone else if we can help it.
[He had no right to make a promise like that. He'd let too many people down before. But he knew he wasn't the same person, and this wasn't the same situation.
It was all he could say. Comfort wasn't something he had much to offer, he didn't even know why she came to him instead of someone else. A very particular someone.]
But it wouldn't go away, now that she'd admitted it. So, best to deal with it now and have done. Before it became a fear all too real...]
I'm glad you have such faith, Vincent. I wish I could be so strong like that.
I just...I dunno. I guess it's just too much at once, y'know? I mean, there I was, going down the elevator from seeing Reeve and then I step off here?
[She craned her neck to look at him.]
What sort of magic is that?
[Truth be told, he shared at least part of her feelings. Whatever brought them here, it didn't look like it was good in any way, and that was unsettling.]
No one here seems to have figured it out. Whatever it is, it may rival Gaia itself. We'll learn more in time, but for now most seem content with enjoying the island's beauty. Maybe it helps them forget what came in the darkness.
[Tifa sighed, still ill at ease. Vincent's quiet support was welcoming, a warm blanket to snuggle into.
She needed to talk to Cloud, however, but was by now honest enough to admit she was afraid of putting him off further.
Tifa sighed again. Why did it all have to be so complicated...?]
After a long moment, Vincent spoke quietly.]
There are some things to enjoy here.
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