Mar 08, 2009 21:47
I just pulled an all nighter finishing a report. I still need to make a presentation video for tomorrow. But I thought I could actually sleep this day, the whole afternoon, before I start on the video. But noooo. Just when I was about to go to sleep at noon, there's loud music from the basketball court besides my house. The basketball court pretty much functions as a community gathering place also... and I don't know why out of all days this month, they chose today to have a music event there (Indonesians, read : DANGDUTAN). It's not that I hate the music, it's just that... it's so loud... when I want to sleep T__T. I only slept around 3 hours, and that was after dusk, when I thought they'd stop for sure. But noooo, the music in the afternoon was probably just soundcheck or a warm up, because louder music woke me up an hour ago.
Nasiiiib, nasiiiib. Mending kalo yang nyanyi bagus semua. Instead of a soundcheck, I think some of these 'singers' need a reality check... *sigh*
Will check up F-list thoroughly next. I think finally I get a break from these deadlines. Deadlines? Can I have a lifeline please? Or call a friend?