Feb 03, 2007 22:17
No need to have a tsunami hit Jakarta, let it be rained upon 24 hours straight and you get ponds, lakes and streams where it used to be residential and business areas, not to mention main streets. I was stranded at the office 2 nights ago, was able to go home last night, but only after taking a detour to Kuningan. The roads from Pejaten, my office, to Cipete, my house, are pretty steep in some areas, so as expected, after the heavy rainfall suddenly there are lakes in the middle of the road, some almost 2 meters deep.
I had to go back to the office today, and got back around an hour ago. Got batteries, a flashlight, and instant noodles for emergencies. I suspect the electricity will go down some time, as most of the city is already flooded. Water and electricity, not good for the human body. My dad is still at the train station, waiting to pick up my mom and brother from Semarang, and their train was scheduled to arrive around 3 pm. It is now 10:30 pm and there's still no word from them. I can't contact my dad because his provider, Telkomsel, is down due to their signal towers getting flooded. Er, nevermind, they just arrived.
Just last week, Wednesday, my beloved Grandma died and I attended her funeral the next day. And now, this big flood. Way to start 2007 ^^;
banjir jakarta 2007