Babble about feeling icky, dolls, and learning to sew.
Man, I feel all achy and moody and tired. I woke up with horrible cramps and couldn't get back to sleep. Sometimes I seriously hate being a girl. Dudes have it easy.
Uhhh words for talking. Yes. I have a new goal, and it is to stop feeling bad about my doll collection. I keep feeling like I have to sell off ones that aren't my absolute favorites and like I shouldn't get any more dolls. I do agree that I need to not get any more until I have the ones I have right now settled, and that is going to take a while. However, once that's accomplished, there's no reason to avoid getting more. Tony and I both have good jobs, and we have the money to spare. Owning the dolls does not make me irresponsible or anything like that.
I was thinking about my doll goals for the year, and there's no big rush for anything. My craving for resin has abated a lot. The only doll I'm seriously itching for is a Blue Fairy Jasmine. I'm not sure if I'll be able to wait until a ws one is released, I might cave and order one in ns as soon as my current dolls are squared away.
I have my Babette and she is lovely, although I have absolutely nothing for her. This week I'm going to buckle down and buy some clothes, wigs, eyes, and shoes for my crew. I was going to wait until we moved, but I decided to just have it sent to my mom's house.
In other news, I am learning to sew. I got a machine and everything, lol. Today I learned a lot about the machine itself, but I don't know if I will actually get sewing now that I have it working properly (I made a lot of mistakes trying to set the machine up, and I got pretty frustrated until Tony sorted it all out). I have the fabric for two specific outfits, one for my Babette (Morphia) and one for my Rosette Fir (Leyland). I decided to learn to sew because I can't find the stuff I want, and I own a lot of dolls in odd sizes. I swear I can never find SD clothing that's slim enough for my girls >:/ Everything I get looks ginormous on them!
Leyland is getting several variations of a basic wine-colored lingerie outfit. She's an Unseelie Sidhe, aka a dark court faerie. I got silky fabric and lace, but I realized retrospectively that I should have gone for the mesh fabric instead of the lace... But I might just try it and see what happens. Morphia is getting a severely torn-up black suede skirt and a cape. I am hoping to get a black corset from raoken to finish the outfit, although I have considered just draping the black lace I got around her top. Hopefully she will take commissions, or will just make one on her own eventually. Neither of these characters are at all concerned about modesty, and Morphia has no interest at all in what she's wearing. She'll probably end up with a very sparse wardrobe because of her penchant for wearing whatever she has until it literally falls apart. Leyland will be something of a clothes hog, but all of her stuff will be easy enough to make because her style is so skimpy. It will just require some patience with adding details by hand.
Anyway, once everyone has two outfits, one pair of shoes, a wig cap, and their proper wig, eyes, and faceup, I can start with the next doll, and so on. I think this will help me be a lot happier about my doll collection, as will learning to make exactly what I want for them :3