Mar 25, 2006 22:18
I hath returned! I have bought a Nightmare Before Christmas bag! It's so cool - it's possible I'll post a picture of it. Maybe also of the other things I bought.
Florence was generally great. The two first days sucked - I felt lonely and stupid. The last days were good though.
I've seen Michelangelo's David, the Slaves, that famous Venus-painting and hours and hours of queues. Three hours queue for the Uffizia (sp?) and three hours more the following day to see David. We were in the latter museum for 1-1½ hours :s Bleh.
I think, overall, it was good. But, well, that's probably also because the last part of the trip was good, not the first.
I missed my music, as I had nothing w. me. Stairway to Heaven is currently my favourite song, still :D