(no subject)

Dec 02, 2004 22:08

I am Girl Next Door
Click on the picture below to read more:

Take the 'What Kind of Girl Are You?' quiz at CookingToHookup.com

i was bored so i spent 20 min on this.......

\\ spell your name backwards: einahpets
\\ have you ever had a song written about you: not that i belive..

\\ what song makes you cry: I will Remember you
\\ what song makes you happy: mmm lots. October Nights,
\\ what's your all time fav. song?: Maggie May- Rod Stewart, Night Moves- Bob Seger, October Nights- YC..many many more
\\ what do you listen to before you go to sleep: yellowcard
\\ height: 5'6
\\ hair color: brown
\\ piercings: ears. want my nose
\\ tattoos: none

Right Now . . .
\\ what color pants are you wearing: flannel pjs
\\ what song are you listening to: I need a Soldier- DC
\\ what taste is in your mouth?: nothin

\\ whats the weather like?: dark
\\ how are you?: tired
motion sickness?: no.
\\ have a bad habit?: yah, biting my nails and cussing.
//get along with your parents?: depends on the day

\\ boyfriend/girlfriend: ummm not really?

\\ have a current crush?: Ryan Key
\\ have a big regret: oh lord, where do i start?

Favorite . . .
\\ tv show: laguna beach, o.c and life as we know it.
\\ conditioner: w/e

\\ book: to kill a mockingbird
\\ non alchohol drink: water
\\ alchohol drink: bacardi twist

\\ things to do on the weekend: hang w/ the BoYs

Have You Ever . . .
\\ broken the law: prob so
\\ ran away from home:no\
\ snuck out of the house: no

\\ ever gone skinny dipping: nah

\\ made a prank phone call: nah
\\ tipped over a portapotty: noo..
\\ use your parents credit card: yah

\\ skipped school before: no
\\ fell asleep in the shower/bath: nope
\\ been in a school play: yeep
\\ had a boyfriend/girlfriend: yah.

\\ had children: no, but i cant wait to.
\\ been in love: no
\\ had a hard time getting over someone: yesss.
\\ been hurt?: too many times

\\ gone out with someone you only knew for 3 days: no
Random . . .
\\ have a job: no
\\ your cd player has what in it right now: YC
\\ if you were a crayon, what color would you be?: pink
\\ what makes you happy?: laughing
\\ the next CD you're going to buy: Ma portapotty: noo..
\\ use your parents credit card: yah

\\ skipped school before: no
\\ fell asleep in the shower/bath: nope
\\ been in a school play: yeep
\\ had a boyfriend/girlfriend: yah.

\\ had children: no, but i cant wait to.
\\ been in love: no
\\ had a hard time getting over someone: yesss.
\\ been hurt?: too many times

\\ gone out with someone you only knew for 3 days: no
Random . . .
\\ have a job: no
\\ your cd player has what in it right now: YC
\\ if you were a crayon, what color would you be?: pink
\\ what makes you happy?: laughing
\\ the next CD you're going to buy: Maroon 5 or Lindsay Lohan lol
When/What Was the Last . . .
\\ you got a real letter: some interest letter from USF i think
\\ got an email: no idea
\\ thing you purchased: Gwen Stefani cd

\\ Tv program you watched: OC/ Life as we know it
\\ movie you saw in the theaters: polar express
\\ kissed: not recent
\\ hugged: today
\ place you were [ besides home ]: san marco
\\ phonecall: pj
\\ you were depressed: who knows
\\ you were in the hospital: never.

When/What Comes to Mind When You Hear . . .
\\ car: civic
\\ murder: scary
\\cape: vampire
\\ penis: yumm hah Defintely just jokin
\\ cell: phone
\\ shoe: laces
\\ fun: party
\\ crush: Ryan Key
\\ music: my passion

\\ chalk: sidwalk

how much do u you love me

:: if carrots got you drunk, rabbits would be FuCkEd Up :: [29 Oct 2004|10:15pm]
First best friend: gary clay<3 When i was like.. 0 haha
First car: tha lance
First date: uhhh no idae
First real kiss: i think it was 6th grade?
First break-up: andy grham..3rd grade haha
First real break up? matt, 9th =[
First screen name: i don't even remember
First self purchased album: hanson or spicegirls<333
First funeral: my GREAT aunts.
First pets: sallly! that dog was the SHIT. *RiP baybe girl*
First piercing/tattoo: uhh ears, summer going into 9th
First credit card: never
First enemy: R.J FORD! don't EVEN get me started on that lil punk.
First musician you remember hearing in your house: no idae
Last cigarette: nevvver
Last car ride: tonite, coming home from dinner.
Last good cry: last nite.
Last library book checked out: no idea.
Last movie seen: mmm The Grinch
Last beverage drunk: gatorade
Last food consumed: firehouse
Last phone call: gogo
Last time showered: 7:30
Last shoes worn: running shoes
Last cd played: YC
Last annoyance: my mom
Last disappointment: mm.. not going out tonite.
Last time wanting to die: i dno
Last time scolded:hmm all the time
Last shirt worn: white cami
Last Web site visited: livejournal.com and yellowcardrock.com
Last word you said: byyyye
Last song you sang: Soldier
What is in your cd player?: yellowcardddddddd
What color socks are you wearing?: pink
What color of underwear are you wearing?: pink
What's under your bed?: shit
What time did you wake up today?: 6:20
Where do you want to go?: WANT to? Miami is my DREAM
What is your career going to be?: entertainment/sports broadcaster
Where are you going to live?: Cali during my career
How many kids do you want?: 3
What kind of car(s): some kind of expensive, silver or black mercedes conv

Current mood: tired as fuck
Current music: some Christmas Gap Commerical
Current taste: water
Current hair: up
Current longing: to go to sleeeep
Current desktop picture: Andy Roddick and Ryan Key <3<3
Current favorite artist: YC
Current book(s): none
Current color of toenails: paaank
Current time-wasting wish: wtf?
Current hate: bishop kenny high
My name is: Stephanie
I may seem: extremely bubbly
But I('m) really: quiet and down @ times..
Sometimes I feel: shitty
In the morning I: get outta bed
I like to sleep: all the FUCKING time!
If I could be doing anything right now I would be: leaving my damn house
Money is: aweesome
One thing I wish I had is: a normal family.
One thing I have that I wish I didn't is: ?
All I need is: sleep
If I had one wish it would be: true happiness
Love is: something that i really want to find!
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