This is an incomplete and irregularly updated index of HP fics, scenes, and discussions containing allusions to or from the works of Dorothy L. Sayers (some faint, some marked).
[* = a personal favorite]
ajhalluk -
Lust Over Pendle series (superbly indexed by
geoviki) (NL/DM)
busaikko -
Even The Moon (SS/RL). Echoes two lines from Gaudy Night.
The Waltz Continues (SS/RL). From the author's notes: "Sayers, Pratchett, and Bujold: I owe them much."
Legacy (RL/NT). Also influenced by Alcott.
catrinella -
"Like the dew I begot you" (Dumbledore & Lord Peter) and other stories in
copperbadge -
Wolves At the Door (gen; incomplete)
Cartographer's Craft -
chapter 32 features a Ted Tonks whom the author characterizes in
his summary as "Sayersian" (Lupin/Tonks and other pairings)
cordelia_v -
Draco Vs. Lord Peter Wimsey (essay)
ellid - full series ("Motherless Child") archived at
ellidfics - includes:
Truth (RL/PW)
New York Minute (SS/RL)
Ghost Story (SS/RL)
Knowledge of Desire (SS/RL)
Handel with Care (SS/RL)
"Flourish" -
Otherwise Known As Hermione Granger (SS/HG)
"Harriet Vane" -
Dancing in Your Shadow (HG/DM, GinnyW/SF). Extended allusions to Strong Poison, Gaudy Night, and Busman's Honeymoon, but not a happy fic.
"Hecate" -
Words Beguile Him and
A Game of Chess hilarita -
There is Pansies. That's For Thoughts (NL)
"Isis" -
Salvation (SS/DM) - brief description of Snape's bookshelves in chapter 4
jamoche Untitled (Aftermath) (NL/DM - part of the LoPverse)
lordpeter - character journal,
milliways_bar RPG. Some of the older entries are Peter Wimsey/Remus Lupin.
marginaliana -
Another Year me -
Between Night and Dawn (SS/RL; NT/GinnyW)
Not Removed (SS/RL)
Vamping the History Department, Right and Left (SS/RL)
Placet and
related stories (SS/RL, Granger/Sinistra, Molly & Bunter, and others)
The Hounding of the Baskervilles (SS/RL)
"Peacock Harpy" -
Changes (LE/JP)
Untitled: A Harry Potter RPG - the major pairing so far is BW/DM. Draco gave Ginny a copy of Gaudy Night on
her eighteenth birthday.
I am aware of (but have not yet read):
"aashby" (a/k/a
theatresm) -
Chaos Is Come Again (HG/SS) and
Brave New World"Flourish" -
What Little Things Remain (HG/SS)
"DrT" -
Training and Confrontations (H/L/Hr tale, with N/G, R/T; 53 chapters)
"GryffindorTower" -
Blaise Zabini and the Magical Cat and several other series
"Angua9" -
Harry Potter and the Fifth Year From Hell (R/H)
Natasha Simonova -
Here Then At Home and "The Perilous Point" (SS/OFC)
It was noted in a couple of fanforums earlier this year that the bookshelf-qua-links page on Rowling's official website includes two volumes with "Dorothy L. Sayers" printed on their spines. The print is blurred, but if I had to guess, I'd say they were copies of In the Teeth of the Evidence. In part 2 of an interview on HBP publication day, Rowling mentions Sayers in an exchange with Melissa Anelli:
MA: How much fun did you have with the romance in this book?
JKR: Oh, loads. Doesn't it show?
MA: Yes.
JKR: There's a theory - this applies to detective novels, and then Harry, which is not really a detective novel, but it feels like one sometimes - that you should not have romantic intrigue in a detective book. Dorothy L. Sayers, who is queen of the genre said - and then broke her own rule, but said - that there is no place for romance in a detective story except that it can be useful to camouflage other people's motives. That's true; it is a very useful trick. I've used that on Percy and I've used that to a degree on Tonks in this book, as a red herring. But having said that, I disagree inasmuch as mine are very character-driven books, and it's so important, therefore, that we see these characters fall in love, which is a necessary part of life.
Please feel free to note and promote other Wimsey-influenced fics in the comments here; I'll be updating this list when time and inclination coincide.