The first 10 people to comment on this post get to request a drabble on a subject/character of their choosing from me. In return, they have to post this in their journal.
I'm going to tweak this a bit, given that the majority of my readers aren't fic writers: you don't have to propagate the meme if you don't feel comfortable drabbling on demand. I would love it, though, if you would spread the love in some other fashion, such as, say, posting on ten things you relish about fandom, or ten dishes you'd serve at a fandom cocktail party, or listing ten fics you've reread more than twice. Cool? Cool.
Fandoms: Dark is Rising, Harry Potter, Sherlock Holmes, Wimsey/Vane, and Stephanie Laurens's Bar Cynster series. (Actually, I don't even know if that last really counts as a fandom yet, but I suspect I'm going to succumb to the urge to write something about Lady Osbaldestone before the year's out.)
Also, it may take me a week or two to generate these, since I'm still in the throes of waltzing with hippopotami stomping on darlings deboning and reassembling the plotbunny du semaine. It's not unlike stitching together a turducken, in that it's slippery and multilayered and only someone demented would be trying to fashion a meal out of it. And yet, here we are. *rueful grin*