The flow'rs themselves discover...

May 01, 2011 18:25

[Subject line from All Creatures Now, a standard from my madrigal-warbling days. Now is the month of maying and all that.]

A pawful of notes:

  • On Dreamwidth, this post is accompanied by an icon of Juan Martin Del Potro, who won the Estoril Open earlier today. My "Slide into Paris" fantasy tennis team has been performing abominably overall, but it does include the winners of the other two tournaments today (Davydenko and Djokovic; sadly, one can't just go by the letter D -- Dolgopolov's clay results have been abysmal), so it's possible I might not finish dead last.

  • lore wants you to know about several Lupin-related challenges, including the Lusty Month of May at the Pervy Werewolf comm. I have a very soft spot for LMOM - pixychelle's Through the Looking Glass [comm-locked] has a Whomping Willow/Giant Squid BDSM scene that remains one of my favorite birthday presents of all time, and the challenge has prompted other fantabulastic creations over the years, including sketches by karasu_hime and snapelike's filthy-hot diaries and so much more.

    I'm still pretty much on fandom hiatus for the foreseeable future (pesky mortgage payments, committee chairing, terminology drilling, etc., GAH) but when
    scribbulus_ink mentioned LEGO porn in this year's field, I couldn't not look. The glorious, unbridled multimedianess of fandom makes my heart sing, oh yes it does. *Snoopy dance*

  • Made this eggplant souffle a couple of Saturdays ago. It was good both as a main dish for supper and a side with breakfast.

  • okrablossom and I wrote a linked pair of sonnets a couple of years ago; Blue Print Review just published it, with calligraphy added into the mix. Both the piece and the issue have received some rave reviews, which pleases me greatly. (There's also been some pieces at 7x20, including a rare autobiographical one, and a bundle at PicFic -- and, thirty-five rejections. [Lots of editors catching up on their backlogs last month. And there was much sulking and sighing, and my To Revise stack remains taller than the dog. Ars ever-freaking longa...])

  • I'm participating in a poetry reading later this month. (Click on the image to see a larger version of it.) Should be fun! You know the graphic designer did something right when one of your peeps responds to the shameless self-promotion blast with "is it just me, or did they make poetry sexy in this flyer?" Hee!

    From Nashville

  • At church this morning, the minister preached about speaking truth to power, including the roles that several Unitarian Universalists played in the publication of the Pentagon Papers. To give the congregation an idea of how massive the collection of papers was (7000 pages), she asked them to think of Robert Jordan's books. Hee! (She also compared the saga of the papers' publication to a Tom Clancy novel -- after Beacon Press printed them, the FBI actively harassed both the press and the Unitarian Universalist Association. A key point she made was that it's neither fun nor sexy actually being caught in such turmoil -- it makes for good reading later, but boy, does it suck when conscience compels you to make such choices.)

  • So much going on with all y'all, I'm seeing -- good luck with your own doings and To Do lists, dear friends!

    This entry was originally posted at I see comments at DW, IJ, and LJ (when notifications are working, anyway), but not on feeds.

    poetry, unitarian universalism, squid, willow, eggplant, shameless self-promotion, lupin, tennis, recs

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