From the instigator, snickfic/torch: So, a couple of us got to wondering what our fics revealed about us. Hence this anonymeme. Are our ids showing?
If you want to play, my threads are at
DW and
LJ. Anon comments are permitted.
P.S. You will not get points for noting that all my OTPs feature either flaming control freaks or tentacles. :-p
P.P.S. ...but if you want to amuse or horrify me by discussing the stitching on my freak flag, feel free. ;-)
P.P.P.S. I might be extra-curious about this in light of the "I am NOT my characters" disclaimers I felt compelled to add to a couple of recent fics, in spite of feeling that that ought to be a bloody given.
This entry was originally posted at I see comments at DW, IJ, and LJ (when notifications are working, anyway), but not on feeds.