Jun 18, 2005 19:13
Wow. I love that song. It really makes me want to go to a dance right now. RIGHT NOW. Hmmph. Guess I'll have to wait until Homecoming. Homecoming of my senior year. Sounds soo crazy. I can't believe this is it. My GAWD. It's gonna be a BLAST! ;P
Anyways.......today pretty much blew. Got up at 4:30. Woke up my sister Kelly to take me to work because my car was getting the AC charged (by the way, that just brought me up to a grand total of $775 that I owe to my parents for car insurance and whatever else that stupid P.O.S. cost me). Got to work. Celena was there instead of Rosie which was a triple +++ because Celena is the MAN...well WOMAN, and yeah. She's cool. It was a good Saturday morning. Not too too busy, but not too too slow either. Hmmm.......got out at 1 o'clock and sat in front of the computer for the most part. Contimplated about going out to Cornish to see my wonderful Danielle Hatch, but decided against that because 1) the rents were in no agreement 2)driving for over 30 minutes= loss of gas which = loss of Treecy's money. Good grief. Money money money. I hate the word. Blah. And so I called Subway in Gorham to see if they were still hiring, and all I got was an "uhhhhh.....I dunno. Call back on Monday. Bye." Yeah, thanks a lot crap head. Ahh well. I dunno. I need a better job. QUICKLY. DP is ruining my life.....and my bank account. I seriously need a better wage. SERIOUSLY.
Hmm.....whatelse. Thought about a boy. Thought about a couple of boys. But then figured, naww......I'm done with that. Done done done. As the wise Em said..."stay away from stupid boys." Good advice. I might take it. Maybe not. But I'll try. Hopefully this summer will bring someone new and totally awesome to this pitiful life of mine. Hopefully.
And now......on to random quotes from conversations of Dani and I this afternoon:
kdkat88: and im like in love with this kid,.....but he has a girlfriend, and that really stinks lol
SketchedToFail: psh
kdkat88: i see him alot too......and im like ahhhhhh!! i LOVE YOU!!!!!
SketchedToFail: lol
kdkat88: but he has no idea because i keep it on the DL 8-);-)
SketchedToFail: lol
kdkat88: i think he may like me too........just a bit
SketchedToFail: awwww
kdkat88: he told me i had really really white teeth :-D
kdkat88: that qualifies for liking someone, right? lol
SketchedToFail: HAHAHAHA
kdkat88: O:-)
SketchedToFail: if i told you you had really really white teeth, would you think i liked you
SketchedToFail: lol
kdkat88: heck yes i would lol
kdkat88: thats the secret way of saying, "I want to bang you" lol
SketchedToFail: hahaha
SketchedToFail: you talk to him?
kdkat88: nope
SketchedToFail: haha
kdkat88: i just like to look at ppl's sn and infos lol
SketchedToFail: oh
kdkat88: because that's what i do8-)
Hmmmm........I just realized that our whole conversation is totally randomly awesome, and you all should read it, but it's way too long, so I can't do that. Bu just take my word for it, it was totally randomly AWESOME. Totally.
Ok. I'm outtie.