(no subject)

Nov 18, 2007 12:16

Phew. glad to hear the credit re-allocations are a go. was scared i wouldnt hear from
you in time. thanks for taking the time to respond today.

here's a revised learning plan

Learning Plan Fall 2007
Julia Smith


Enrolled as a Friends World Student in the Fall semester 2007, I will be receiving
academic credit for work and observations conducted on site in Buduburam Refugee Camp,
Ghana. As opposed to simply lending a helping hand and learning through memorization and
notation, I am hoping that, in documenting my experience through the compilation of an
organized portfolio, I will be able to reach a deeper level of analysis and conclusive
assessments of the camp. I would like to keep my focus in research on issues surrounding
the sustainability of the camp, based on its historic development; its indicators of
human rights standards, within the camp and compared to other African societies; and its
actual infrastructure, by assessing its informal economy and maintenance procedures. I
expect all three of these issues to be highly interconnected as well, and hope that, by
assessing all of them together, I may be able to see possible solutions, both realistic
and unrealistic, to the needs or shortages of Buduburam?s residents.

1. History and Refugees

The issues surrounding the need for a Liberian refugee camp in Ghana are complex and
should be examined from as far back a vantage as possible, owing to history?s ability to
reveal more accurately than anything else the current position of human relations. I hope
to be able to compile a series of essays on issues surrounding Buduburam?s formation and
in any other areas that may be helpful in understanding conflicts in the area, using
mostly internet research. It should also be helpful to my portfolio?s reader and I to
understand the categorizations and procedures involved in refugee status. A short section
detailing this information should prove useful in understanding better issues of self
esteem, resettlement opportunities, and migration factors among Buduburam?s residents.
This will also heavily rely on internet resources.

2. Water, Sanitation, and Engineering

Interested in solutions to problems and standards of living, I am especially interested
in the devices used in a refugee camp to help a concentration of people survive in a
previously deserted area. I will take advantage of my time and support from Children
Better Way in Budburam to learn of methods and devices used, in areas such as housing,
plumbing, electricity, and document these learning experiences through explanations and

3. Microloan Involvement

I will be becoming involved in Children Better Way?s Microloan program, and will be
documenting my progress and input with them for my time in camp. I hope to apply my
previously gained experience with microcredit to the situations encountered in camp, and
see solutions to existing problems, or at least be useful in whatever form needed.

4. Sustainability and Economy of the Camp

One of my most pressing humanitarian concerns is the sustainable alleviation of poverty.
As refugee camps are clearly attempts at mitigating otherwise wide scale, desperate
poverty, I will be interested to evaluate the opinions and attitudes of residents on both
how effectively their poverty has been dealt with and how self-sufficient they feel upon
the withdrawal of international assistance. As Buduburam is a long standing camp, it will
be an opportunity to see the development that can happen within a camp to the point of
sustainability, and I will be able to assess a variety of factors, historical and
cultural, that have accompanied Buduburam residents towards achieving sustainability.
Being particularly interested in economics as a science that examines resources meeting
needs, I would like to document my observations related to Buduburam?s self contained
economy, what factors have created the jobs its residents occupy, and in what other ways
needs are met.

5. Human Rights Assessment and Involvement

As poverty alleviation to me is fundamentally intertwined with human rights, as is
creating a safe haven for refugees, I would like to examine bububuram?s resident?s
standards of living and the problems they face in light of human rights declarations.
Using a few key documents which state inalienable human rights, such as gender equality
or access to vital services, I would like to compare budburam levels to these documents,
as well as buduburam?s position on human rights as compared to other areas of Africa.

6. Conclusions

This section will include my personal opinions on many of the subjects already examined.
It will also express any encounters I have with personal obstacles, culture shock, and
other particularly challenging or rewarding experiences. I hope to include any photos or
multimedia from my time spent in the camp as a visual accompaniment to the rest of my

7. Subsection: Awutu Aberful

As a business development officer in a ghanaian village during the month of November, I
am also requesting credits for the documentation of this work, in a sectionn seperate
from my documentation of my time in camp. My duties will be research surrounding the
viability of business opportunities in a traditionally farming village, and my
documentation will consist mainly of task shet reports prepared for my supervisor.

Credits Requested:

History and Refugees: 1
Water, Sanitation, and Engineering: 3
Microloan Involvement: 3
Sustainability and Economy of the Camp: 4
Human Rights Assessment and Involvement: 2
Conclusions: 1
Subsection: Awutu Aberful: 2

Total: 16
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