Take my heart but please dont Break it...

Feb 17, 2005 09:46

Hey.. Ok so yeah i am in a really
badd MOD RIGHT NOW! uugghhh. Sam
and her family just left.. nd it
wasint the best night. Idk whats
goin on right now, idk if she
can go to prom.. and my mom and
dad arent "comftorable" letting me
go on my own?? So.. yeah i dont even
wanna go if she caint go, like what
fun is that. So yeah we had a family
meeting nd it didnt go to smooth. So
yeah. Ne wayyz tomorow should be fun
after skool me & sam are goin to the middle
skool.. it hase been a while, nd i miss
that skool, and a FEW kidds lol. Then we
are goin bck to sam*s to watch a video that
we made when we were messed up.. nd i caint
watch it at my hosue Cause i broke the video
camra like baddly lol.. so then after were not
sure what we are doing for the rest of the night
We havent chylled jsut me nd her in a while so
maby we will just hang out idk.. well see wut
happens.Idk whatttt im doin over break me & sam
wanted to go to vermont but idk if thats even
gonna happen so YEAHH.. Umm this week was actualy
much much BETTER then last week thank god! Ok well
im out ttyl bye bye [ex_oh]

How pretty am I *1-10*
What is something I have that you want?
What is something you dont want that I have?
What celebrity do you think I look like the most?
What would you catagorize me as? Slut, Prep, Jock, Nerd, Bitch, Sporty, Stuck up.

J a m i e<33
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