Fic: You can't always get what you want (2/?)
Pairing: Darken/Cara, Richard/Kahlan, a few references to Cara/Leo.
Length: 2760~
Rating: T
Spoilers: AU set after the end of Season 2 - Nicci was not been brought back with the Breath of LIfe; Darken/RIchard/Kahlan/Jennsen and Cara are forced together as reluctant allies; Zedd is at Aydindril.
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I know I'm not really a coherent reviewer at the best of times (especially with you), so in an effort to be better about it, I took notes as I went:
“Put your feet down, brother. I paid a steep price for that silk cushion and don’t want your boot marks all over it.” Plopping herself down in the over-stuffed chair, she settled in for a long evening of doling out liquor and understanding.
Oh, JENNSEN. *drools* I can just -see- her doing this!
While she rather enjoyed the attention, his presumption was often infuriating, and always exhausting.
Yes! Love the dynamic that just this one line establishes.
Who else could help him control the pack of jackels in my - in the Court?
Love Darken's little slip here. A lot of character is revealed in just this little touch. Love it.
Most of all, Jennsen wished that everyone she loved could be as happy as she was.
Yes yes yes. I am really feeling Jennsen in this.
Her life became a giddy succession of nothings. She spent hours choosing dresses to match her eyes or to bring out the vivid hue of her hair...Then one morning Jennsen had awakened in a cold sweat, realizing that she was being buried alive by the nothings of her life.
I can't tell you how enamoured I am of the phrase "giddy succession of nothings" and Jennsen being buried alive by the "nothings of her life."
“Perhaps it’s not a bad idea, brother. Jennsen is not well-known outside of our immediate circle. It’s not as if she makes a memorable first impression.”
Jennsen glared at her eldest brother. He was supposed to be helping, not insulting her.
“Sarcasm doesn’t suit you, Jennsen, you don’t have the talent for it, “Darken jibed
I am absolutely LOVING Jennsen in this. Her characterization, at least to me, is spot on - she is both thrilled and repulsed by a life of luxury, her desire to work, and the sort of hidden sharpness to her that only comes out when the situation calls for it!
Love it!
Also, her dynamic with Darken, while a bit chatty for a more serious work, is just PERFECT for this sort of tongue in cheek parody. Darken is sharp and pitiful at once, and I rather enjoy Jennsen henpecking him.
Oh, and his son is perhaps alive! I look forward to seeing if it truly is his son, and Darken being confused over precisely why he wants to see him rings true to me.
I continue to have a FABULOUS time. Who knows, I might actually read Gone With the Wind.
Pictured below: Me and Ur Fic
p.s. JEEEEENNNSSSEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNN. I had to upload a new "Gay for Jennsen" icon just for this. Seriously. Like. My reviews suck and are all flaily as opposed to serious heartfealt paragraphs like the ones you graciously leave for me, but I am no less sincere. LOVE THIS.
I'll have to tone back on the chattiness. I was trying to show how Darken's stature the world had been reduced, and Jennsen has gained in self-confidence and independence - so I saw her as being totally unafraid of him. She knows he needs her, and he knows it, too. And because, I always sort of like thinking of Jennsen chatting with her family
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