Boo-ya! Things is looking up.

Sep 28, 2004 18:52

Well, lessee. Liz spoke to Nilüfer (Manager) who apparently promised to do something about the fridge and gas, so we'll see if that happens.

My Pre-Intermediate class' books showed up yesterday! Sadly, they were the expected sub-standard copies and have already fallen apart. Students were holding up fistfuls of pages in class today according to Simon.

But... wait for it... Advanced and Upper Intermediate books showed up today. I uttered a very dignifed mini-shriek when I saw them all piled up in reception, then flipped through them... wait... they felt a bit thicker than normal... pages felt of surprisingly good quality... looked in the back... POCKETS with MINI-DICTIONARIES! They were ORIGINALS!

"Originals! Originals!" I shrieked, dignity forgotten. The reception girls all smiled tolerantly at me, then Nilüfer came out and said, "Yes, originals," and showed me the stickers on the back, then "Pre-Intermediate books... not good...." "No..." I ventured, "they are falling apart." "Very bad," she said seriously.

So I am now actually harbouring hopes that the books they give the students -- and US -- will be originals again now! Oh, please, oh, please, oh, please!

Jaysus, when did I become such a teaching geek?
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