(no subject)

May 26, 2004 11:02

Graham has been made our new Director of Studies! It's been an open secret since it got out in his apartment (Alex kept mum for weeks but as soon as Jo was told it crept around the teachers' circle...) besides the fact that he's been running around actually sorting out the schedules over the weekend... miracle of miracles it is, to have someone looking after that. So the "announcement" yesterday was really quite hilarious.

Liz: So, I've a bit of an announcement...
Us: (Looking at each other shiftily and grinning knowingly)
Liz, amused: You all know what I'm going to say, don't you?
Us: Well, um... (yes)... mumble mumble... (bit of an open secret)... mumble mumble....
Liz: Well, alright, anyway, I'd just like to present to you... your new Director of Studies! (Indicates Graham)
Us: Yay! Wow, that's amazing, I would never have guessed, congratulations, man!

And of course we all applauded. Then Ömer (grammar teacher) came in.

Us: Ack, Ömer missed the announcement! Ömer, we have a new DOS!
Ömer (pretends to look surprised): Really? And who would this person be? (Someone points to Graham) Oh! Well! (Ömer turns to Graham and shakes his hand) Congratulations, what a surprise!

I'm really happy. Graham's a super person, and he really seems to be taking this on board. He's already quietly sorted our schedules just about completely out and says he'll be having individual conversations with us about our various classes. And he's signed for a year, so he'll be here all through my second contract. Yay!

istanbul, work, interlang, teaching

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