Jun 05, 2015 06:51
Yay. I have made contact with the two of my colleagues who are here already. The one who was on the campaign bus yesterday (John the journalist) and the one who arrived last night (Austin the retired academic) (not everyone is alliterative!). Meeting for breakfast imminently. I guess I will meet our local contacts today!
The other people are -- Melanie, who I already know, she was at Tooks with me; she's a non-practising barrister, she teaches law and does HR work such as trial and election observations overseas -- things like this, basically (she is also married to a criminal silk who I also know, as he was also at Tooks, but he does not do these things); Jeff, an American academic currently lecturing in political sociology at Cambridge (I haven't officially met him, but he'll recognise me; he was a speaker at the Kurds and terrorism conference in Bonn that I attended, and then afterwards I attended a lecture where he was one of the speakers, which was put on by CAMPACC* in London and asked a question of him); and Sean, the official Green Party representative (the HDP includes Turkey's Green movement), so I'm looking forward to meeting him.
*The Campaign Against the Criminalisation of Communities.
peace in kurdistan,