Really simple one this time. I had cooked breakfast for dinner last night, which could include any number of things, but last night it was "just" beans and mushrooms on toast.
Beans -- half a tin Heinz baked beans with cumin, paprika and chilli powder.
Mushrooms -- I always do these the same way. I do a lot -- if they're tiny it can be fifteen or more, if they're huge maybe seven or eight, per person. I slice them. I heat a large pot and put a tiny bit of olive in it, then the mushrooms, then whatever seasoning I'm using, then I put the lid on and lower the heat to the lowest setting and let them alone until they've sweated a lot. Then I take the lid off, raise the heat again and cook the mushrooms until they've browned and re-absorbed their seasoning-infused liquid.
Seasoning can be as simple as smoked salt and Turkish red pepper flakes and nothing else; I sometimes use vegetarian worcestershire sauce; yesterday I used primarily salt and
Cottage Delight Naga Chilli Sauce. It's amazing. The full list of ingredients is peaches (26%), tomatoes, onions, white wine vinegar, sugar, water, cornflour, garlic puree, concentrated lime juice, dried naga jolokla chillis. Even though the chillis are the last ingredient it's pretty peppy, which makes a fab combination with the peaches. OK, advert over. I'm sure I shook some other things in -- a bit of balsamic vinegar springs to mind -- but I just can't remember too clearly.
Toast was wheat-free rye and spelt bread, because I'm off wheat for Lent, spread with margarine and Marmite.