I think what has been happening in Egypt is incredibly exciting. I'm getting the sinking feeling, though, that it's starting to lose momentum and trail to an end. I hope I am wrong. I'm not afraid of the Muslim Brotherhood seizing power. I'm afraid the army are biding their time to install another Mubarak and that they will be able to do so successfully by ousting/helping to oust/supporting the ouster of the current Mubarak and thus making it seem they are on the side of the protesters. Given how highly they are apparently regarded in Egyptian society (and I can imagine what this is like, the situation in Turkey is similar), I think this would not be difficult for them to accomplish, if they want.
This is more or less why I am not worrying about the Brotherhood. Also
this -- to be frank, this latter makes the Brotherhood sound, to me, very similar to--->ever so slightly more hardline than the AKP, the party which has been governing Turkey since 2002 and has brought about significant democratic/constitutional reform.
Or, you know, what
this article says.