Random articles

Jan 16, 2009 12:57

My emailed copy of the Washington Post is a bit of a goldmine today.

Rural Residents Unsure They're Part of Obama's America. I have to admit, I have difficulty understanding the mindset of someone who would decide not to vote for a candidate because of his or her position on guns. Guns. I wouldn't decide on that issue, and I'm passionately pro-gun control. There are so many other, bigger issues. But to him, this is the most important issue; the man seems intelligent, thoughtful and conscientious. But the most important thing in his life is guns. I don't understand.

Americans Feeling the Love. Apparently Obama has made it OK to be American again. Perhaps this means that people will stop apologising when they mistake me for American, which would be cool, it gets a bit annoying when you hear the same shtick over and over again. "So where in the States are you from?" "I'm from Vancouver." "OH!" (mock horror), "I'm so sorry!" [Forced laughter from me.]

Tsvangira trying his hardest to work out a power-sharing government in Zimbabwe. Mugabe being an ass. Here at least is an international conflict whose basic source most in the Western world agree on. I'm guessing.

international politics, american politics, articles, washington post

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