Good thing, maybe, good thing, less good thing

Nov 13, 2008 10:56

Good thing, maybe: (cautious optimism) Obama is apparently to move on climate change. *refrains from holding breath*

Good thing: I am solvent. I rang up my bank manager on Tuesday because I realised that the 15th, when the next installment of my loan was to go in, is a Saturday. So I asked, on what day then would it actually go in? He said, good question! but he thought the Monday, and then, hearing the note of panic in my voice, added that he could move it up if I needed. "Oh could you move it up? Because I am penniless." Sure, he said, he could put the order in that day (Tuesday) and probably have it done for the next (Wednesday). "That would be awesome!" After my criminal procedure lesson I turned on my phone to find I had received a message from him saying the funds had come through. David Jones, NatWest Graduate Manager, I salute you.

Less good thing: My next installment will come in 1 February, and the final one on 15 April. So each one is ostensibly lasting me two and a half months, which means I should run out of money at the end of June. What I've realised, unfortunately, is "run out of money" means literally run out of money. On my current budget, I will be at the bottom of my £2000 overdraft on June 30th. So any hopes of going away and doing language training over the summer are really pie in the sky. I'm going to have to get a job as a clerk or something for the summer, and that's the end of it. In fact, I shall have to put in some part-time work and sock away some savings before the end of June, work and exams or no work and exams, because otherwise I will have nothing to carry me through the first part of July. Hey ho, time for real life I guess.

Edit: More climate change coolness, this time in the UK.

UK Coal to build wind farms on old collieries.

Old energy to new, yippee!

climate change, international politics, budget, american politics, money

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