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bronnyelsp November 7 2008, 17:23:44 UTC
As I say, I was critical for the last few of years of the Clinton administration too (before that I was a bit too young to say more than, "Duh, Canada's better than America!" -- I was 20 when Bush was first elected). No, I don't agree with American foreign policy meddling in other nations' affairs, and I speak with authority as a Canadian. Anything we do that's to the left of the States, if it's new or in any way controversial, we literally get scolded like schoolchildren by Big Brother Sam. How DARE you trade with Cuba? How DARE you decriminalise marijuana in select circumstances? How DARE you set up a safe injection site in Vancouver's downtown eastside? How DARE you not go to war in Iraq with us? This will all have serious trade ramifications, you know. Bad, bad America Junior. Stop rebelling.

But I see a marked difference between Clinton and Bush. If Obama even brings the States back to where it was under Clinton -- undoes what Bush has done -- that's progress. I don't know if I have too much hope he'll go further, but given how much I LOATHED the Bush administration and all it stood for, that in itself is enough to make me teary-eyed and dancing with glee. But I do see Obama as more visionary than any politician in a long time. And I do see a marked difference between his policy on Iraq's and Bush's. I'm not going to go over AGAIN what that difference is, but to me, it's there. Under Obama, I seriously believe that America is ready to rejoin the community of nations as a member thereof, without always attempting to be it's self-appointed leader, and to me, as a Canadian, as a Brit, that is a HUGE deal.


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