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lukalew November 6 2008, 23:18:11 UTC
Wow. Beautifully stated. Especially this part:

"When Bush was elected for the first time, when we walked around campus for a week with faces as long as a wet week, before 9/11, before Afghanistan, let alone Iraq, before the Patriot Act, before "Blame Canada" and freedom fries, before abstinence-only education in HIV-ridden Africa, just the next day or two, I secretly thought, can it really be that bad? It was.

So now, can it really be that good? It can."

For me, of course, as an American it has never been as simple as being "anti-America." I'm pretty patriotic. Not in the sense that I wave flags around, recite the pledge of allegiance (which creeps me out), or unconditionally support government. But, in the sense that, to me, being patriotic is a complex thing. Being American is an entrenched thing for me - it's wrapped up in all of my memories, sentimentalities... it's my country, my home, it's where I have loved people and lost people, it's a place that has given my family so much even if we didn't deserve it. It's just home, and I'm not sure what it would take for me to ever be "anti-home." America has always been far too diverse for me to define it. It's the sum of all the people in it: not just the extreme right wing people. And for those parts of it that I find repugnant, I believe there are reasons for it. Not justifications, but human reasons for it being that way.

In any case, I'm glad you feel better about it now. So do I.


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