Dissertation bibliography mix-up business

Jun 17, 2008 13:44

Hi Bronwen

With regards to your concession application submitted for the following assessment:

Exam: Dissertation
Date: April 2008
Reason: Bibliography missed off
Outcome: Concession Accepted

For information, the marker was asked to consider both versions of your Dissertation (with or without the bibliography) and I can confirm that both pieces of work achieved the same mark. You will received your actual mark on your results transcript, which will be posted to you to arrive on 22 July.

If you have any questions regarding the concession process, please feel free to contact me by email.

Kind regards

FirstnameLastname of Assessments Office person

Assessments Office (GDL)

I bet you both got the same mark because both had a bibliography!

Now I am worried about my dissertation mark again, though. I was totally not thinking about it and happy to wait for all marks until 22 July. Gr.
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