Bitter... success?

Jul 19, 2005 12:22

I texted Liz yesterday morning to ask when would be a good time for me to pick up my money from Interlang. Several hours and texts with other people later, my phone rang while I was sitting in an internet cafe. I thought it was Seren trying to alert me to a text message of his that I'd missed, so I hung the phone up on the call. Two minutes later a text from Liz arrived saying "anytime... been trying to ring you but your phone... got important news for you." I had an inkling, but in any case, sent a quick apology/explanation text and she quickly called again to tell me that she had picked up and opened in error some mail of mine because my name hadn't appeared in the window. My inkling grew to a hunch and she confirmed it had been from Oxford. "Was it big or small?" I asked. "It was one sheet of paper," she said. Ah, I thought. "Well, I couldn't go anyway, I didn't get a scholarship." Liz didn't seem to know what I was blibbering on about and was in any case more interested in explaining that she really hadn't meant to open it and had stopped reading after the first line made clear that it wasn't hers, at which point she checked the name and realised what it was. "Well," I said, determined to get the worst over, "what did the first line say?" "It said that you've been accepted to graduate studies."


We then made tentative arrangements to get the letter proper back in my possession, but of course, it doesn't matter too much. After all... *leads chorus*


But I'm not bitter.


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