Jan 08, 2004 16:27
well i was bored today and thought "i know, ill make a journal" but little did i know that it would be so hard to actually find a nickname that hasnt been taken (such as captain-insano) and a password that had letters and numbers as well as not being a dictionary word (which i didnt know mine was anyways). Shealee will understand my pain :P anyways moving on from there... looking forward to the weekend... and its thursday finally!!! I was hoping to be working today but there was no work for me. I need more money for Fiji, which im going to on the 20th YAY!!! Anyways since this is my first entry i dont really know what to say. I went to Beks for dinner on tuesday night... it was funnnn, lots of nice food + booze + good mates = fun hehe. Then i met my sister at eastland on wednesday and we saw brother bear. Reckon we were the oldest ones there who didnt have kids but it was a nice film hehe. There were even the rebel kids at the start who when one kid went shhhhh the others started mimicking them hehe it was funny. Anyways think i might go now.