Mar 09, 2005 21:52
Here goes another one of my long meaningful Speaches.... Okay after seeing everyone argue and hearing the commments we make to eachother... It seriously makes me sick.... Im sure we can live on day without saying something mean about someone, or starting shit with other ppl. this is OUR life....... we are kids.... in highschool..... why the hell start it all.... we shouldnt have to go around saying "I cried myself to sleep" or "so and so said something about me".... It doesnt work like that..... if you have something 2 say about someone... dont..... ppl are who they are and we are maturing as fast as we can.. we're kids... we have no idea of what we're doing...... little girls and boys.... that still need their mommys... we shouldnt have the nerve or guts to have sex or smoke just bcuz its cool.... its the " cool" thing to do.... I mean seriously... we try and get our parents to treat us like adults..... but how in gods name are they going to do that when ALL of us.... everyone of us... still acts like kids..... If you want to go through highschool truley saying it was the best four years of your life... then grow up... stop talking shit... stop causing drama... BE NICE..... Its that simple... just live life getting good grades and befriending... WOHEVER......and do something while in highschool so you dont feel the need to smoke wiuth your so called friends or go have sex with "some guy" and that way..... you'll get into a good college and end up with a good family.... and a good job... but wont you feel "grown up" when you get out of highschool and you grew up knowing that you were mean and you talked shit and you have 2 kids.... your an adict 2 drugs... and your alone... wont you feel "grown up" then?...... Seriously guys..... Im not trying 2 preach.... but think about it... its highschool.... LIVE IT UP!!!!!