May 25, 2007 12:20
I didn't see Star Wars when it initially came out, but did see it before Empire released (I was 7 or 8, I think, since my brother came with us as well, and he's two years younger). My family had stayed at my Aunt's over Xmas one winter, and my cousin, Mike (three years older than me), took his little cousins to see this cool movie. We were all hooked.
I saw it at least once more in the theater before Empire, and then saw Empire as soon as it came out, multiple times. I had a bunch of action figures, and while we could never afford the cool big sets, I didn't need them to have my imagination run wild, with outdoor planets made from gardens on our property, visits to "normal" worlds, using other adventure sets we had.
I loved it then, and still do. It set the stage for a love of the fantastic that remains to this day.
So, Happy 30th Birthday, Star Wars! I'm glad you came into my life. :)