Wave 15 Blind Bags

Apr 05, 2016 21:44

Well, since the usual wikis and Strawberry Reefs are falling down on the job, lookie what I found! The Wave 15 glitterati in my neigh-bourhood! Wave 15, I dub thee the Glitter Stripe Wave (could also be the cupcake wave, but I wouldn't be surprised if the next wave also has cupcake logos on the cards). Check it out!

Oooh! Shiny!

The bags seem to be in the same order as the pictures. I only checked on the Mane Six and they are in the exact same order in the bags as shown in the picture.

The bags have AA, AB, AC, AD, etc crimped into the bottom flap, and to check that you picked out the one you wanted, they have the little transparent window on the back. On top of that, the plastic is so translucent that you can read the character card that's in the bag too. Here's glitter-strip Fluttershy out of the bag and leaning on my second crocus of the year.

The last two boxes had an Applejack's barn theme, on this one it's Sugarcube Corner.

I like the artwork on the tongue, the flap fits in behind the bags and holds the back up straight.

The glitter-striped ponies are Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. The colour of the glitter is different for each one and it matches the colour of their manes. Pinkie missed out on the glittering somehow but still made it to the party. Unlike Applejack last wave. Maybe I'll take a picture of the six together tomorrow and edit it in.

official merchandise

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