Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks

Nov 03, 2014 19:13

anyone wanna talk about it? Come on...

Much better than the first! I liked the first one. That the first one was good at all was a relief. They obviously put a lot more care into the sequel, the writing and especially the animation is way better.

The bad guys are by far the best thing about it though. The sirens are among my favorite villians while Sunset Shimmer was my second to least favorite. (I like Sombra the least.) I love all 3 of the sirens, the other two have their good points while Sonata is just hilarious. "Go back to sleep, Sonata."

The bad guys (including Trixie) get all the good tunes too. The exception is "Awesome as I Wanna Be" but Dash was also being a dick when she sang it. Trixie got to do a lot, and it was pretty funny and I'm a fan of hers so it made me happy. I have the soundtrack and her tune and the sirens'/Dazzlings are my favorites.

I loved seeing everyone in the school, even if it seems they have like 20 students! Favorites are Derpy (who shows up in Ponyville and um, I like her band, it was different.) and Octavia (who talks!). I wish we got to hear Octavia play and more from the other nice cameos like Bulk Biceps and the definitely-canon-shipped Lyra and Bon Bon. I wish we got to hear Photo Finish's band - especially since she got to do something - and they are selling dolls of them. Snips and Snails dropping the mic was great, hahaha.

The Sparkle/Sentry romance is really, really mild - I was surprised judging from the reaction it got from parts of the fandom ("he stole our waifu") - I mean the show is aimed first at really little kids so, of course. I like Flash Sentry.

Of the Mane 6, I still think Pinkie has made the transition to teengirl the best. I love Pinkie with the theremin and with the cookies in her hair. They are all good though. Fluttershy is especially funny and strong though. I love Rarity in the Daft Punk helmet. I love their outfits for the finale. Strange that they are way better than the ones they have on the dolls (which are OK but aren't even in the movie, same with the face paint/tattoos.)

Other random things I liked were Maud being weird (and Maud being in it at all), Big Mac, the Crusaders (so cute we should have heard them song though) and DJ Pon-3/Vinyl and her transforming soundsystem car, YES IT WAS THAT AWESOME. She doesn't know Octavia yet. The fanon will have to wait.

Sunset Shimmer gets redeemed. I like that she got to do a lot and how *everyone* couldn't not insult her and hurt her feelings without meaning to at first. I did like the big finale. I'm glad Rebecca Shoichet got to do a lot. Sunset came off really genuine and sweet.

mane 6, rainbow rocks, equestria girls, dazzlings, sirens

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