It'd been a while since I got some... and Target has restocked...
Their selection is still sketchy but improved... Here are the interesting bits... they still have the gothic Pinkies and both lines of EqG dolls and other stuff I left out...
Pinkie Pie has a helicopter now. I'm scared.
Rainbow Power baconhair plushies are upon us... Still some Octavia and Cheerilee left, no Pon-3 which I need, Octavia looks like Skrillex haha... but... but... is that Applejack with a hat now? That is so mine! I like that Rainbow Power Rarity has black in her mane.
Pinkie Responsibility Pie. This set is nice
...but this one is nicer! They even fixed Fluttershy's hair for it. They haven't stocked real blind bags in forever, they do for other toys, just not ponies.
This is very, very nerdy.
AJ Beanie Baby I got from a Rite Aid near the beach in Aptos. They don't come with hats but this whole line is nice. Was happy to find an Applehorse, I hadn't heard she was out yet. I have not seen Rarity or Fluttershy yet.
All of my little plushies together. I think I will collect as many as I can.
And finally they have a bunch of the Funko vinyl ponies in Chinatown. (Hopefully not fake!) I really like these. But Funko is known for having bad quality control for a "collectible brand" and while they are on the cheap side, it sucks that they can't get QC right when even Hasbro can. So I looked @ a bunch of them, they have a few other ponies but the one I really wanted was Muffinpone!
Or "I Heart Pony"? The packagind is nice... and I love the figure...
I didn't have any muffins but because I was in Chinatown I got her a pineapple bun.
Me Gusta
OH! And Ponkaccino! Celebrate Pinkie Pie's birthday (May 3rd, which is canon though The Hub posted it late) with a Mocha Cookie Crumble frappuccino, its got sugar, caffeine, cream, chocolate and cookies, all good things for a Pinkie!