Track of the Day LXXIII: Blaze & Pipsqueak - The Betrayal

Jan 24, 2014 12:43

Today's Track of the Day™: Blaze & Pipsqueak - The Betrayal:

Here's a very neat and interesting song dedicated to Pinkamena - the murderous Pinkamena rather than the depressed (canon) Pinkamena, that is. If dark pony rap/dubstep is your thing, you'll love this track. I know I do, and that's even though I usually balk at Pinkamena being portrayed as a murdering maniac rather than a bipolar pony caught in a depressive episode.

No lyrics, BTW, despite this being a vocal track; they weren't posted on Youtube, and I'm too lazy to transcribe them myself. If you feel up to the task, feel free to do so in the comments.

Download here!


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